Disney is ramping up the Avatar press in anticipation of the new James Cameron movie Avatar The Way of Water, and that includes games like their new mobile MMORPG Avatar Reckoning. The gameplay looked fairly generic and I am not entirely sure that this will be able to carve out a market for itself on its name alone. I believe much will ride on how good or bad the new movie is, since the Avatar franchise at the moment is not particularly noteworthy. It made a lot of money many years ago, but had virtually no cultural impact to speak of. This may be a case where the game will fail or succeed not on its own merits, but on the merits of things wholly out of its control – unless the gameplay is truly exceptional and can standout in a saturated market.

A more promising upcoming Avatar video game in the works is the one coming from Ubisoft called Avatar Frontiers of Pandora which is a first-person action adventure game developed by Massive Entertainment.