Robert Welkner of COIN-OP TV interviews Yoshinori Ono & Seth Killian at the Capcom launch party for Street Fighter X Tekken. Find out directly from these two Capcom developers which Street Fighter or Tekken characters they would use and favorite gems. Yoshinori Ono also talks about the Sony exclusive characters and how his life has changed with the advent of community involvement.
COIN-OP TV vidcast, News & Events, Video (Other)
[..YouTube..] I am the first to say , I am first… and Who ever got a problem…I don’t really know. XD
[..YouTube..] second
[..YouTube..] Oh yes, he loves his Blanka toy.
[..YouTube..] @RELLlK haha it’s nice to know that trolling is international
[..YouTube..] @SuperiorWare haha good points – thx for watching!
[..YouTube..] seth “fan of the big men” killian
[..YouTube..] No one asked about microsoft exclusives 🙁
[..YouTube..] @chrluzz Because there isn’t any.
[..YouTube..] Ono go home and be a family man
[..YouTube..] Wow I would like Mega Man classic……maybe they can still put him for a possible Wii U version……….other than put Fei Long in FUCK!!!
[..YouTube..] 360 wont have any exclusive people =[ thats sad but i guess its cool because 360 ALWAYS gets everything before ps3 so hey its all good =D
360 wont have any exclusive people =[ thats sad but i guess its cool because 360 ALWAYS gets everything before ps3 so hey its all good =D
[..YouTube..] do you have to byu the gems?
[..YouTube..] Classic Megaman is so boring, I am glad they put in BBA Megaman. Good thinking Inafune.
Classic Megaman is so boring, I am glad they put in BBA Megaman. Good thinking Inafune.
[..YouTube..] @SuperiorWare jin does have a wavedash, it’s called special step in the command list, check out maxmillion’s character break down of jin it’s pretty interesting
[..YouTube..] jin does have a wavedash, it’s called special step in the command list, check out maxmillion’s character break down of jin it’s pretty interesting
jin does have a wavedash, it’s called special step in the command list, check out maxmillion’s character break down of jin it’s pretty interesting
[..YouTube..] Ono San is a Legend man.
Ono San is a Legend man.
[..YouTube..] I will burn his blanka toy in red lava and lets see if he keeps that troll smile in his face.
I will burn his blanka toy in red lava and lets see if he keeps that troll smile in his face.
[..YouTube..] @Lelouch0R2
no yo cant wave dash the special step like you can with kazuyas mist step
[..YouTube..] no yo cant wave dash the special step like you can with kazuyas mist step
no yo cant wave dash the special step like you can with kazuyas mist step
[..YouTube..] @coolboymj
vita exclusives…….
[..YouTube..] vita exclusives…….
vita exclusives…….
[..YouTube..] Wait… Ono understands English, but can’t speak it? -_-
Wait… Ono understands English, but can’t speak it? -_-
[..YouTube..] chun li and cammy have an evil side on 0:27
chun li and cammy have an evil side on 0:27
[..YouTube..] @ShinDemon33 Well. There are some unlocked on the disc already, but then you have to pay to use the rest.
[..YouTube..] Well. There are some unlocked on the disc already, but then you have to pay to use the rest.
Well. There are some unlocked on the disc already, but then you have to pay to use the rest.
[..YouTube..] capcom vs snk 3 please
[..YouTube..] capcom vs snk 3 please
capcom vs snk 3 please
[..YouTube..] @SuperiorWare Hwoarang has a wave dash…
[..YouTube..] Hwoarang has a wave dash…
Hwoarang has a wave dash…
[..YouTube..] @ClutchLikeObama he can speak it, not very clearly, but he can speak it.
[..YouTube..] he can speak it, not very clearly, but he can speak it.
he can speak it, not very clearly, but he can speak it.
[..YouTube..] @thezxshadow4you … so mean
[..YouTube..] … so mean
[..YouTube..] How dare Inafune approves of this they were going to put the original megaman in the game WWHHYYY??!!
How dare Inafune approves of this they were going to put the original megaman in the game WWHHYYY??!!
[..YouTube..] @KEWLPIXELGAMERZ lol
[..YouTube..] lol