Hailey Bright of COIN-OP TV interviews Iain Smith, Associate Producer on DiRT Showdown, from Codemasters. Preview of the latest racing game from the DiRT franchise with a closer look at the new Hoonigan mode and destruction in the game.
COIN-OP TV vidcast, News & Events, Video (Other)
[..YouTube..] It looks pretty smooth
It looks pretty smooth
[..YouTube..] @jojopetv smash up derby time!
[..YouTube..] smash up derby time!
smash up derby time!
[..YouTube..] O_O awsome gonna be BEST GAME EVER
O_O awsome gonna be BEST GAME EVER
[..YouTube..] pretty impressive but one complaint that i have on the demolition events yall need to be more realestic with the damage end of it i am a derby driver myself and if yall could include wagons specifically 1973-1976 chevy wagons and the way the car is destroyed needs to be more real where i come from demolition derbys are a very serious thing and being a driver myself would love to see alot more improvement thank you
pretty impressive but one complaint that i have on the demolition events yall need to be more realestic with the damage end of it i am a derby driver myself and if yall could include wagons specifically 1973-1976 chevy wagons and the way the car is destroyed needs to be more real where i come from demolition derbys are a very serious thing and being a driver myself would love to see alot more improvement thank you
[..YouTube..] Great job!!! To be honest I’m not really looking forward to the derby’s but I’m looking forward to the hoonigan events!!!!
Great job!!! To be honest I’m not really looking forward to the derby’s but I’m looking forward to the hoonigan events!!!!
[..YouTube..] Can you make it so you can upload a hole race on to youtube
Can you make it so you can upload a hole race on to youtube
[..YouTube..] @AceCmbatguy26 HELL YEAH! cant wait
[..YouTube..] HELL YEAH! cant wait
HELL YEAH! cant wait
[..YouTube..] If DiRT makes a game dedicated to demo derby like let people be able to build their own cars and weld the doors shut and no nitro just motor car and driver vs other cars they would make a fourtune
If DiRT makes a game dedicated to demo derby like let people be able to build their own cars and weld the doors shut and no nitro just motor car and driver vs other cars they would make a fourtune
[..YouTube..] i want the game and the chic !! bwaaaaaaaa
[..YouTube..] i want the game and the chic !! bwaaaaaaaa
i want the game and the chic !! bwaaaaaaaa
[..YouTube..] Cool… Another cartoon derby game. Why can’t these people get opinions from ACTUAL derby drivers?
Nothing will ever beat Test Drive: EOD.
Cool… Another cartoon derby game. Why can’t these people get opinions from ACTUAL derby drivers?
Nothing will ever beat Test Drive: EOD.
[..YouTube..] Quit fucking up codemasters, you went backwards with dirt 3, and now this, what fucking morons.
Quit fucking up codemasters, you went backwards with dirt 3, and now this, what fucking morons.
[..YouTube..] it need manual gears
it need manual gears
[..YouTube..] flarout? B-)
flarout? B-)
[..YouTube..] FlatOut showdown B-)
FlatOut showdown B-)
[..YouTube..] need RALLy!!!
need RALLy!!!