CRACKDOWN 2 – Review by Nathan Tripp and Luis Zacarias (

The basic premise of the game is that you are a clone created to restore order to Pacific City by destroying Cell Gangs and putting an end to the Freaks that are terrorizing the streets.  There are a series of missions that send you out to restart Sunburst nodes in order to eradicate all the Freaks and for some reason these nodes are always surrounded/protected by Cell Gangs thugs.  These missions quickly start to feel repetitive and become redundant.  Picking up all the audio logs adds to the story but even that isn’t enough to make you care about what you are doing in the game.

Where Crackdown 2 shines is in the open world game which has countless objectives and hundreds, if not thousands, of collectibles (923 orbs to be exact).  Between all the orbs, races, stunt markers, Freak Nests, and Cell Strongholds to capture and/or obtain there is an endless stream of things to do in this game.

The key points of Crackdown 2 are the multi-player and co-op features.  While I didn’t get to spend much in the multi-player, it seemed like it could be a very entertaining mode.  I also spent about 4-5 hours playing in co-op and I really enjoyed it. You will die in this mode and you can’t spawn on your partners so you will run all over the place to meet up with friends.  Overall, Crackdown 2 is a very fun game and I would recommend giving it a spin as you will get more than your money’s worth. Crackdown 2 is in stores July 6th, 2010. Developed by Ruffian Games exclusively for the Xbox 360 and published by Microsoft Game Studios.

Crackdown 2 video interview from May 3, 2010 here: