Yvonne Strahovski interview from COIN-OP TV. Yvonne plays Miranda in Mass Effect 2 from Bioware/EA and also Sarah Walker in the TV series CHUCK. Get an exclusive inside look at what to expect from the game and Yvonne’s involvement.
Yvonne Strahovski interview from COIN-OP TV. Yvonne plays Miranda in Mass Effect 2 from Bioware/EA and also Sarah Walker in the TV series CHUCK. Get an exclusive inside look at what to expect from the game and Yvonne’s involvement.
[..YouTube..] Oh man I had such a crush on her. And I was like 22 at the time. 😀
[..YouTube..] Oh man I had such a crush on her. And I was like 22 at the time. 😀
[..YouTube..] this woman needs to dye her hair black and wear spandex tight clothes 24/7 … just saying =D
[..YouTube..] this woman needs to dye her hair black and wear spandex tight clothes 24/7 … just saying =D
[..YouTube..] thumbs up if you think yvonne looks like a blonde haired miranda
[..YouTube..] thumbs up if you think yvonne looks like a blonde haired miranda
[..YouTube..] @InfectedGuppy606 Considering she is the face of Miranda as well, that shouldn’t be a surprise.
[..YouTube..] @InfectedGuppy606 Considering she is the face of Miranda as well, that shouldn’t be a surprise.
[..YouTube..] @MrMike0113 no crap but still. EPIC 😀
[..YouTube..] @MrMike0113 no crap but still. EPIC 😀
[..YouTube..] @InfectedGuppy606 No crap? Then why did you point it out and expect thumbs up? That would be like me commenting on a video of Mark Meer and saying “thumbs up if you think Mark sounds like Commander Shepard”.
[..YouTube..] I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favourite voice-actress on the Citadel.
[..YouTube..] If she ever goes brunette her life will probably be hectic with fanboy adoration…she probably will avoid it for safety purposes lol
[..YouTube..] @MrMike0113 stil epic. nuff said. now it’s over. 😛
[..YouTube..] @MrMike0113 dude i was joking anyways. i just do that to get reactions. 😛 just seeing the reactions.
[..YouTube..] @CommanderMattShepard How is she a slut? Just because she’s attractive doesn’t mean she’s a whore. In fact, she’s obsessive about her job and she’s very closed off from people including Jacob who has known her for years.
[..YouTube..] So hilarious hearing her trying to explain the game, there are not a million endings
[..YouTube..] @asdfsadcvzxcz she meant the type of answers in the talking lol
[..YouTube..] @asdfsadcvzxcz I talk she means that there a lot of choice you can make it will effect the game.
[..YouTube..] @HellPunisher00 she lets shepard have sex with him without a relationship just a 1 time stand.
[..YouTube..] I need to fuck her…
[..YouTube..] God her accent is so sexy!
[..YouTube..] @CommanderMattShepard are you refferring to jack or miranda here?
[..YouTube..] @MaddBadgerr both\!
[..YouTube..] fuck chuck, stick with mass effect
[..YouTube..] @CommanderMattShepard well miranda doesnt have a one night stand with shepard, its a relationship, though somewhat more shallow than the other two
[..YouTube..] is it just me ore does miranda and Yvonne look similar?
[..YouTube..] @pfl95 yea they are, bioware used her face for miranda
[..YouTube..] @MaddBadgerr OH well then why do they do it in the engine room! She’s a whore so she does it where everyone can see them so reminds her of the brothel she used to work at on Omega.
[..YouTube..] @SuperFireEagle a british accent? am i to assume that you are british yourself?
[..YouTube..] @cri7ica1 You can keep dreaming about it. I know I do. Yvonne Strahovski is a gorgeous woman.
[..YouTube..] @urplatz she has an Australian accent i think, She is Australian
[..YouTube..] @CommanderMattShepard still doesnt make it a one night stand. And anyway, BioWare just did that for a laugh. everyone on the ship was either captured or busy working on something else (jacob was probably maintaining weapons for the whole two hours that they were in the engine room ha), and anyway couples have done it in pretty strange places before.And remember, it’s just a game! though you have a good point…
[..YouTube..] @MaddBadgerr Actually, if you get the Kasumi DLC, she tells you she knows Shepard and Miranda did it there. Don’t know how she knows, saw it on internet =P
[..YouTube..] @gdh6200 well, kasumi the thief (who might also be a spy) knows everything that goes on on the ship, so thats an exception. shes like a japanese miss marple only less old
[..YouTube..] @GibbsGibberstein It’s polish accent “Born in Australia to Polish immigrant parents.”, it’s one of the reasons Miranda is my favorite character right after Legion.
[..YouTube..] You may be the face and voice of Miranda, but are you the ass?
[..YouTube..] no even if they scaned ur face ur way prettier than the girl in mass effect 2 WAYMORE PRETTIER
[..YouTube..] If she only knew how many nerds she gave a boner to.
[..YouTube..] @AftComet you dont even have to be a nerd got a boner *sigh*
[..YouTube..] 10 retards didn’t watch the engine room scene
[..YouTube..] @CommanderMattShepard They do it on the Engine Room because it’s the only place on the ship with some privacy, the Cerberus bugs and cameras don’t work there, you idiot.
[..YouTube..] @AntiXaldin Oh really? Well its still a place where the workers and just walk in or they can see through the back way, because there isn’t 1 giant door in the back. I wonder how much people watched them in thier……….
[..YouTube..] @CommanderMattShepard that scene is right after the whole crew except joker get taken away by the colleters, so only Tali would be there.
[..YouTube..] @CommanderMattShepard 1-The crew had already been kidnapped by this point. 2-I’m sure Shepard closed the doors, he is the commander afterall. And 3- it’s still a better idea to do it on the Engine Room and risk a squadmate stumbling upon them than do it anywhere else on the ship and broadcast it to the Illusive Man in High Definition.
[..YouTube..] @AntiXaldin No in the future……….everything 240p unfortunatley. Look at the ads on the Citadel, look at Shadow Broker’s private camera. All because they use dumb holograms. But maybe he could convert it…..LOL. And Tali did see it.
[..YouTube..] @Waxwarrior54 Yes, and she gets disgusted, 1 because human sex is wierd to her, 2 because she wanted shepard not miranda to have him.
[..YouTube..] @CommanderMattShepard Tali saw nothing. Not only is Tali optional, ergo migth not even set foot inside the Normandy SR2 at all, but Miranda also cleared the Engine Room beforehand.
[..YouTube..] @AntiXaldin Oh and, if Illusive Man had any respect for Shepard, he woulnd’t watch him “do it”. He would probably just watch teh foreplay then shut off the viewscreen because he knows shepard is distracted from the mission with a romance and dosn’t want to see his schlong.
[..YouTube..] Yvonne: “..its not my body but its similar..”Me: Let me stop you right here. I really do not understand why the game developers choose to change your look in the game. Seriously you are beautifull as you are and I don’t think that “Miranda” needs to have a big ass to become a sexy woman. But one way or the another is really good you have the opportunity to play a part in this amazing game. You just make it better 🙂 P.s. Just my opinion..