Yvonne Strahovski interview from COIN-OP TV. Yvonne plays Miranda in Mass Effect 2 from Bioware/EA and also Sarah Walker in the TV series CHUCK. Get an exclusive inside look at what to expect from the game and Yvonne’s involvement.
Yvonne Strahovski interview from COIN-OP TV. Yvonne plays Miranda in Mass Effect 2 from Bioware/EA and also Sarah Walker in the TV series CHUCK. Get an exclusive inside look at what to expect from the game and Yvonne’s involvement.
[..YouTube..] @Kashima1994 I don’t quite understand how people can’t hear the difference between british accents and australian accents.
[..YouTube..] ” it’s not quite my body, but it kinda is… similar”Dat ass?
[..YouTube..] @blaxof Russian chics looks little different than polish and remember second names which ending for -ski are of polish decent, even if person is born in russia for ex.
[..YouTube..] This woman is Gorgeous!! Need to find out where she lives :p jks
[..YouTube..] love her, since Chuck
[..YouTube..] Her bf is a failed actor with no career that freeloads off her
[..YouTube..] whats with the Powerpuff Girls theme song???
[..YouTube..] @NemesisTypeT are you shitting me?
[..YouTube..] @Chingophia Nope. I find australian accent quite sexy, whereas english accent, uh… Not so sexy. Little differences.
[..YouTube..] @NemesisTypeT haha i just reread your original comment and you wrote “can’t hear the difference”thought you were an ignorant toolmy bad!! 😀
[..YouTube..] miranda looks like her
[..YouTube..] @coinoptv They probably didn’t make a half-unclothed Miranda model for the black outfit
[..YouTube..] thhe hell she wearing it blond?
[..YouTube..] “it’s not quite my body, but it’s similar,” read= they gave me a HUGE booty!!
[..YouTube..] WTF she has an assault rifle!!!
[..YouTube..] @PlutoRoman and ass.
[..YouTube..] @coinoptv same here except I got a 360, though can’t complain she hot in both outfits though her computer styled shades look really cool with the black outfit.also…how comes the whole team gets to wear normal clothing with kinectic barriers included on missions yet shepard has to wear the armour? thats something I didn’t understand, why can’t shephard have cool clothes and kinectic barriers? I like the armour but still…
[..YouTube..] i want nothing more than to put my tiny cock in her mouth and watch her look unsatisfied
[..YouTube..] i wonder if they scanned her ass too
[..YouTube..] she has an American Englishy accent……nice…
[..YouTube..] @synisterxdave666lol that would be an australian accent.yes, she’s australian
[..YouTube..] Interesting to see Miranda was modeled after her, very nice looking girl
[..YouTube..] awww she even has the cute bunny teeth!
[..YouTube..] I wonder if she’s played through as a male Shepard and had sex with herself. I think just hearing your own voice would be weird enough in a game.
[..YouTube..] @Jefferson196 Nice? Fucking hot is more like. Shit, I’m gonna start watching Chuck just for her ass.
[..YouTube..] @tysmi04 Lololololololol.
[..YouTube..] @morten325 To this video? Come on brah, you can do better.
[..YouTube..] @synisterxdave666 Trust me, I’m an American: an American accent and an Australian accent sound VASTLY different from each other!
[..YouTube..] @thehonorablereese i didnt say she sounded australian tho the other guy did……
[..YouTube..] @synisterxdave666 I know, you said she sounded American. She doesn’t: she sounds distinctly Australian.
[..YouTube..] @thehonorablereese i’uno. englishy american is pretty much australian. fuck it man would you slam her or not? thats the bottom line
[..YouTube..] @synisterxdave666 Haha indeed. Just because you said “slam” makes you awesome. I didn’t think anyone used that but me
[..YouTube..] @thehonorablereese tis a great phrase i must say ^_^ suits a lot of situations too haha
[..YouTube..] @Tanikaze2 That’s bullshit. Pretty is pretty. There’s no such thing as “so pretty it’s ugly”. Miranda is fugly, period. She’s got lazy eyes, manjaw, fat cheeks, buckteeth and a wide nose with large nostrils. I fail to see what is “perfect” about this.They screwed up when they made her face; that’s all there is to it. What’s the point of sugarcoating? It’s not like the game is any less awesome because of it.
[..YouTube..] @blackswordsman89 I never said she was so pretty she was ugly. It’s a physical thing. They literally doubled a side of her face and matched it, and as such, it doesn’t look natural. Can you read?
[..YouTube..] @Tanikaze2 “She looks just like Yvonne, the problem is that in game they gave her perfect facial symmetry, which literally throws off your brain, as nobody is supposed to, or has, perfect facial symmetry in real life.”Seems like you’re the one who can’t read. And it’s your own sentences, even.You said she has perfect facial symmetry, and I said she does not and explained why. Just admit you’re wrong and move on.
[..YouTube..] For me, perfect….
[..YouTube..] i love how no matter how much they jump, crouch, run etc. pretty much all female characters in ME except Liara have high heels 😛
[..YouTube..] @Thefallenraptor Tali…
[..YouTube..] interesting side story similar to some other characters? THEY ALL HAVE DADDY ISSEUS!!!!
[..YouTube..] @furyberserk well yeah but she has different legs, two toes and has a stance like a geth
[..YouTube..] that must be extremly weird to watch a game character that looks exactly like YOU IRL making love to another but completely fictional char in game lol
[..YouTube..] anyone find that Miranda’s face seemed permanantly fixed into a cheesy grin?Yvonne Strahovski is waaaaaay hotter than her virtual counterpart.
[..YouTube..] anyone find that Miranda’s face seemed permanantly fixed into a cheesy grin? lol anyways, Yvonne Strahovski is waaaaaay hotter than her virtual counterpart.
[..YouTube..] Lol its not my body but its simular! =)
[..YouTube..] i bet its fucking creepy for her if she romanced herself
[..YouTube..] @Thefallenraptor Maybe the future IS a better place. 😉 I would not mind hot women running around in tight catsuits for normal streetwear, too.
[..YouTube..] she was awesome. the game sucked. she’s still awesome.