Yvonne Strahovski interview from COIN-OP TV. Yvonne plays Miranda in Mass Effect 2 from Bioware/EA and also Sarah Walker in the TV series CHUCK. Get an exclusive inside look at what to expect from the game and Yvonne’s involvement.
Yvonne Strahovski interview from COIN-OP TV. Yvonne plays Miranda in Mass Effect 2 from Bioware/EA and also Sarah Walker in the TV series CHUCK. Get an exclusive inside look at what to expect from the game and Yvonne’s involvement.
[..YouTube..] chuck sucks…only thing that is good about that show is “adam baldwin”, everyone else is filler, thus the show is a waste of time, firefly is the only good show, this chick is attractive and all but…she still is a douche lol, i would rather have sex with an ugly chick, as long as she isnt a douvhe either that is haha
[..YouTube..] @7blanco83 Yeah someone said that he is a left wing libtard that supports fucking Nancy Pelosi. He has no acting talent but he is very good at freeloading.
[..YouTube..] @the1stcritic Well, she is of Polish descent, speaks it fluently, though born and raised in Australia, now has a lead role in an American TV series, in which she has an American accent… I think I’ll let this one slide… remember! If all else fails, just smile and wave!
[..YouTube..] Awesome
[..YouTube..] i wanna see her ass. We all saw miranda’s ass
[..YouTube..] @DBZisthebestanimever watch chuck lol she always in her panties
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[..YouTube..] She better play miranda in the movie
[..YouTube..] SHe shines in mass effect 2 and also shines in chuck. Love her
[..YouTube..] Props for admitting she isn’t familiar with videogames instead of calling herself a “gamer” because she played super mario once when she was 12.
[..YouTube..] she looks better than miranda. somehow i dont find miranda that attractive, especially for being genetically modified “perfect woman”.
[..YouTube..] @steelfoeWould be funny as hell if she didn’t…
[..YouTube..] not so mutch diffrent if you look good at her and the mass effect game (yvonne have a better look:d)
[..YouTube..] 2:33 Begin shameless plug… Now!
[..YouTube..] 1 Million different outcomes.
[..YouTube..] You’re kidding yourself Yvonne now go dye your hair brown put on a Cerberus uniform and go fight some space aliens with Mark Vanderloo
[..YouTube..] 0:99 Miranda ass
[..YouTube..] I love this girl and my fav girl on the galaxy is Miranda!!!!
[..YouTube..] Goddamn……. her character had such a nicely shaped ass in the game. i wander if its a direct mold of her actual ass….. Not too big, not too small, just the way i like it
[..YouTube..] @TacticalPanda69 a million scripts.
[..YouTube..] At least she admits she’s not to familiar with games. I hope she gets some big movie roles in the future.
[..YouTube..] @Calvin0135 That’s probably because Miranda is so perfectly symmetrical that she actually comes off as being creepy instead. In a way, it’s a subtle reminder that Miranda really is “flawless” with all the weirdness that comes with it.
[..YouTube..] @comedyfreak1996 Yvonne definitely looks better 😛
[..YouTube..] 7 gays 😛
[..YouTube..] @maNtdTUBE I’m gay, I hit like. 7 people without taste.*
[..YouTube..] The new episodes of chuck is pretty fucked up, the show is just freaked out.
[..YouTube..] Lawl, when Shepard stops Miranda while she’s trying to kill he’s old friend to protect her sister, it sooooo looks like Chuck trying to stop sarah killing someone 😛
[..YouTube..] We will marry each other mrs Strahovski!
[..YouTube..] just figured this out today and my mind was full of fuck though the gamer character looked familar
[..YouTube..] she looks way way way better than in the game
[..YouTube..] She’s so adorable.
[..YouTube..] she all around fine but i really like her teeth……..
[..YouTube..] Liara is better..
[..YouTube..] @spartanwarrior46 lol.. just lol
[..YouTube..] @rageatm4life i actually saw an episode of Chuck the day before i played the game so as soon as played the game i was like “wait a minute” she looked way to much alike to be a coicidence. not to mention her voice 😛
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[..YouTube..] Her accent is becoming more and more subtle. Must be her work on chuck
[..YouTube..] can bioware make me bolt ish ?
[..YouTube..] @majudua she went to drama school and she can change accents whenever she wants. it’s just that she can’t speak some words proper in american accent.
[..YouTube..] I took Miranda only for 2 missions, sorry Yvonne.
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[..YouTube..] the ass omg booty full hahahha
[..YouTube..] @atemlos2585 Really? I use her and Garrus for most of my missions
[..YouTube..] @Heyoupally I take Miranda and Garrus on every mission until I get Legion. Then it’s Legion and Miranda from then on. I’ve never gone on a mission without Miranda and her awesome biotics powers.
[..YouTube..] That’s why she always dies.Tali, Miranda and Mordin are useless. Garrus/Legion/Grunt and Jacob/Jack all the way.
[..YouTube..] Finally gave into Miranda’s charm in ME2 (PS3 version) — excellent scene but my only complaint was that I had Miranda dressed in the sexy black outfit most of the game and she reverted back to that weird white outfit for the sex scene.
[..YouTube..] @coinoptv the black outfit isn’t sexy at all.Anyway i thought her scene was bad, because she seems to get all sentimental in the conversations that lead to the scene, but as you get to it, she just sounds overly flirty in an superficial way.
[..YouTube..] @Oll1000 Miranda almost never dies. I played Garrus’ loyatly mission just now and he died 6 times. It was embarrassing. I started taking Miranda and Tali everywhere at least until I get Legion back. I’ve never taken Grunt or Jack on any mission outside of their loyalty missions. I hate Jack, and I just don’t choose Grunt.