Yvonne Strahovski interview from COIN-OP TV. Yvonne plays Miranda in Mass Effect 2 from Bioware/EA and also Sarah Walker in the TV series CHUCK. Get an exclusive inside look at what to expect from the game and Yvonne’s involvement.
Yvonne Strahovski interview from COIN-OP TV. Yvonne plays Miranda in Mass Effect 2 from Bioware/EA and also Sarah Walker in the TV series CHUCK. Get an exclusive inside look at what to expect from the game and Yvonne’s involvement.
[..YouTube..] @BratedVideos Me too I had sex with her and she sat on my legs too :D.
[..YouTube..] I had sex with… TALI! SCREW YOU BITCH*ahem* sorry. She’s a great actress, but I hated Miranda.
[..YouTube..] there were some almost CGI scene in there… ME3?
[..YouTube..] @smithy8u LOL
[..YouTube..] @MandibleMuge She’s hotter than Tali.
[..YouTube..] actually she looks like miranda a little
[..YouTube..] @Larvemannenz001 Tali was so much cooler though 🙂
[..YouTube..] @MandibleMuge How? Miranda’s designed to be perfect. I don’t think you understand the satisfaction of having a perfect woman, sitting on top of you, taking her suit of. I did that (through Shepard), and it was very satisfying, I’m not gonna bang other races no matter how “cool” they are, I go for the looks, and Miranda’s got that. How can you even let Shepard go through such torture! Poor guy, has to bang females with tentacles on their heads, ugh.
[..YouTube..] @Larvemannenz001 HA! Wow, did you play Mass Effect as a dating sim or something? Firstly, Shepard isn’t real. Secondly, Tali has a great body. Thirdly, we don’t know if she has tentacles on her head. We’ve never seen her face. Fourthly, she has a much better personality. Shepard needed a good relationship. He already banged Liara, he’s had his fun. Besides, I’m gay – If I wanted to masturbate to a game, I would have made a femshep bang Garrus, but I play for good gameplay or storyline.
[..YouTube..] @MandibleMuge If you don’t acknowledge the dating sim elements of the game, then why did you bother banging anyone at all? The only difference between you and me, is that we have different fetishes, if you like, I go for looks, and you go for personality. What I meant about tentacles, was that I don’t do aliens, period. Doesn’t matter if it’s asari or quarian. So that’s my reason, but why do you think Tali is so “cool” by the way?
[..YouTube..] @Larvemannenz001 … *facepalm* I don’t acknowledge the dating sim elements… I’m saying you play it like one. It’s not, the romance is an aspect of the storyline. Fetishes should have nothing to do with it, since it’s a game. I don’t want to get any sexual enjoyment out of it. It’s a game.And Tali was much more fleshed out emotionally. Her voice was cool, she had a better role, I think. When I said she was cool, I was being subjective of course. You are 100% entitled to prefer Miranda.
[..YouTube..] @MandibleMuge Well, I have based my choices on my female preference, so maybe I did get some sexual enjoyment of the game. Just because it’s a game doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get any sexual enjoyment out of it, you can do whatever you want. Of course I don’t play the game solely because I want to see Shepard “gettin some”. I like the main storyline, just need to clarify that so you don’t think I’m some disgusting pervert. I like how you reveal the true personality of Miranda.
[..YouTube..] @Larvemannenz001 I don’t think you’re a disgusting pervert at all 😛 I just don’t see how sexuality is a motive whatsoever when playing a game.And how did I reveal the true personality of Miranda at all?
[..YouTube..] @MandibleMuge Oh, I guess my sentence was pretty dumb. I was just saying what I liked about Miranda, and the story about her. I didn’t mean that YOU revealed her personality. It’s like me saying this about the game: “I like how you can make your own choices”. I didn’t mean YOU there, I meant generally anyone who plays the game. I like Miranda, I like how you reveal her true personality, because she’s got that “tough” thing going on, and she’s pretty arrogant at first. Then she softens up 😛
[..YouTube..] She’s quite a piece of ass.. 😛
[..YouTube..] @Larvemannenz001 Oh, right, right, my bad, I misread it. You were speaking in the impersonal tense. Well, anywho, like I said, I’m gay, so even though I do think Miranda is very beautiful, and Tali’s body, voice and manner are all cute, I can’t really comment. Still, I wouldnt have chosen to be a femshep and do Jacob because, I guess I just like it for the purpose of seeing a relationship flourish. But so do you, and you can, of course, have your own reasons. I just happened to prefer tali 😛
[..YouTube..] @MandibleMuge End of discussion 😛
[..YouTube..] @Larvemannenz001 Pretty much (:D
[..YouTube..] Looks like Miranda, what are the chances of that!
[..YouTube..] Thumbs up if you stopped the video near the end as soon as she started talking about chuck.
[..YouTube..] @CrazyEddi3 they also scanned her face man
[..YouTube..] wtf came chuck talk from?? hahah “I’m Chuck Shepherd and this is my favorite interview on the Citadel” xD
[..YouTube..] I gotta get ME2… The action and story in ME1 was frucking amazing.
[..YouTube..] I think she liked being on Chuck more as she said it first and ended with it.
[..YouTube..] anythign can happen eh, well she got pregers with my baby lol
[..YouTube..] yvonne dont play you gonna sex with sheperd
[..YouTube..] chuck rules!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] gosh, i love her accent <3
[..YouTube..] Greatest Ass and Sexiest Overbite in the galaxy.
[..YouTube..] I’m pretty sure shepard put a tiny Speaker on Mirandas ass that would occasionally say”High, I’m Commander shepard and this is my favourite ass on the galaxy”
[..YouTube..] I fucking hated miranda, she died at the end of my game LOL
[..YouTube..] bitch killed grunt in suicide missionher biotics are impressive … right ¬¬
[..YouTube..] shes hot in and out of the game 🙂 niiice 😛
[..YouTube..] Its bit confusing 1:13 AND HOT
[..YouTube..] @11999000101001001 did you do her loyalty mission?
[..YouTube..] wow thats amazing
[..YouTube..] Fuck Miranda. Brute grunt and psycho jack in my team. Yvonne is a really good actor anyway, I just hated Miranda in the game.
[..YouTube..] @Paralyt1c im not a noob ¬¬ ofcourse
[..YouTube..] @Paralyt1c i mean dont choose her as biotic expert
[..YouTube..] @chavosucks LMAO! Great.
[..YouTube..] @11999000101001001 on my first run I chose Samara as bio expert and noone died, Grunt escorted the survivors back to the ship.
[..YouTube..] @Paralyt1c Show it should be is this: FireTeam Leader: Garrus/Miranda. Tech: Tali/Legion Biotic: Jack/Samara. Escort: Mordin.you shouldn’t use anyone else because they could die.
[..YouTube..] @wert180 Well on my first I had tali tech, garrus fire team, grunt escort and samara bio, and NOONE died, so obviouslly there’s more than one way.
[..YouTube..] Seriously best accent ever =X
[..YouTube..] You know what would be awesome? an episode of chuck where it shows chuck playing mass effect 2, either romancing miranda or meeting kal reegar.. then he notices that they sound like casey and sarah, would be awesome ^^
[..YouTube..] “It’s not quite my body, but It’s similar.”She’s talking about the HUGE BOOBIES.
[..YouTube..] I’m Commander shepard, and this is my favorite pair of boobs on the Citadel.
[..YouTube..] Her bf in real life is a failed supposed actor with no career. And apparently a left wing nut job as well.
[..YouTube..] Ur hairs the wrong colourBiatch!!!
[..YouTube..] is it just me or does her accent keep switching?