Yvonne Strahovski interview from COIN-OP TV. Yvonne plays Miranda in Mass Effect 2 from Bioware/EA and also Sarah Walker in the TV series CHUCK. Get an exclusive inside look at what to expect from the game and Yvonne’s involvement.
Yvonne Strahovski interview from COIN-OP TV. Yvonne plays Miranda in Mass Effect 2 from Bioware/EA and also Sarah Walker in the TV series CHUCK. Get an exclusive inside look at what to expect from the game and Yvonne’s involvement.
[..YouTube..] @JacksAnvil or you are a homosexual…since she is the type of woman that most men find sexy and good looking.
[..YouTube..] @GloveMC Do a google search of Charlize Theron. That is what a sexy woman looks like.Yvonne has a big nose, bad teeth, and her roots are showing. If you’re gonna dye your hair, at least maintain it.
[..YouTube..] @JacksAnvil So you would prefer a woman with black teeth with a curly witch nose and fat roots.
[..YouTube..] @teddybearhunter Yeah. That’s why I said do a google search of Charlize Theron followed by “that is what a sexy woman looks like.” So vague.
[..YouTube..] @JacksAnvil I think she is good looking but not the most beautiful girl i ever seen. Plus her predictable tast in men is kinda well sad but i guess thats predictable in Hollyweird. Charlize Theron is hot though
[..YouTube..] @bigJ09z Yvonne is definitely beautiful, and she does have quite a bad taste in men.. Although I do feel she is the hottest woman I have saw.
[..YouTube..] @YouAreGutted I agree on that but man her tast in men is well :S i mean of all the bullshiy ive seen. In Hollywood that is some really funny twisted bullshit lol. She can do better but you know as they say why buy the cow when you get the milk for free lol. Thats a old saying anyway
[..YouTube..] @bigJ09z Yeah, she’s like 28.. Although she could get a 15year old if she wanted (Me LOL) (Wouldn’t happen.. but you can only dream ;D)The guy she is dating is so weird, and she could definitely do alot better..I like that saying haha, :D:D
[..YouTube..] @YouAreGutted 😀 well its a saying that pretty much bashes living togethor and premarital sex 🙂 but yeah she can do better because guys like that to me are just players. Its not dating its banging to totally seperate things they only call it “dating” so it doesn’t make them sound like a whore. Same with boyfriend and girlfriend they don’t mean what they are supposed to mean. The word “love” is abused to no end as well for mostly selfish reasons 🙁
[..YouTube..] @bigJ09z Lol, thats the sort of thing that angers me.. I’ve liked if not loved! Yvonne for like so long and have been jealous with that same guy, and I thought of the same thing as you did.. If only she realised.
[..YouTube..] @YouAreGutted Well i just think jealousy help’s no one i mean you could be jealous of that “guy” but you shouldn’t. If you go on what feel’s and look’s “good” i can tell you it wil hurt you down the line. She isn’t going against the grain in hollywood she is going with the flow you know. Ive heard so meny actresses and actors say “this place won’t change me” fact is it will from what ive seen often in bad ways.
[..YouTube..] @bigJ09z Personally I think the guy’s an ***hole and not really jealous of who he is.. but I’m jealous of who he is dating.. :L:L If that makes sense.. I mean, she is a very attractive woman, and hollywood definitely does bad things to a person, but I hope she is mature enough to realise this soon enough 🙂
[..YouTube..] @YouAreGutted Dating would mean going out and having fun not jumping in the sack lol. Although i see how people would think that lol sex,sex,sex is dating its not “dating” its just banging lol. Jealousy won’t get you anywhere although im sure there is a fair amount of that in the chuck fan community.
[..YouTube..] You two have been having quite the discussion haven’t you.
[..YouTube..] She looks and sounds like Miranda Lawson. 😀
[..YouTube..] @JediKnightIlona might wanna think about what you said there….Lol Not judging but she is suppose to sound like Miranda.
[..YouTube..] Some people need to get out into the real world. There are so many beautiful girls out there in all walks of life that to describe any one girl as the most beautiful ever is total bullshit.
[..YouTube..] Forgot to mention that loden is a freeloading z list wannabe
[..YouTube..] has she considered a career in porn…
[..YouTube..] @andylevy545 Actually the most beautiful tends to change by the week in hollywood lol. So meny breeakups this yr ive noticed
[..YouTube..] who the hell is chuck? MORE MASS EFFECT PLZ!!
[..YouTube..] @andylevy545 I agree with that but ive noticed these days beautiful women like Yvonne. Tend capture the publics eye more which is a damn shame because there are meny beatiful girls out there. The way i see it PC has influenced that as well and freedom of speech. I mean you can’t even call out a actress for being shallow and materialistic and banging girl lookalikes. Its like when does it stop really unfortunately Yvonne fans are amongst the most PC ive seen to a fault they are PC. Its stupid
[..YouTube..] Hahahahahahaa that’s gotta be fucking weird to know millions of nerds everywhere are banging a visual representation of yourself
[..YouTube..] @bigJ09z Well the whole culture of celeb worship is pathetic really. Why would anyone put an actor on a pedestal when hollywood is such a fucked up place lol. And yeah some Chuck fans are the biggest ass lickers from any fandom.
[..YouTube..] @andylevy545 Well its rather unfortunate that celeb worship culture is so common these days. I mean hollywood is fucked up thats why it attacts very troubled people. Ive heard Yvonne fans say how dare you say that because of so and so. I mean they act like she is something new she isn’t but i think they would like to think that. She is a pretty girl yes but its not hard to tell these days in celeb culture when a girl has slept around you know. Promiscuity isn’t good celeb or not
[..YouTube..] Yvonne: Anything can happen in the game with MIranda and Shepard.In the game: Miranda is riding Shepard.Me likey 😀
[..YouTube..] Thumbs up if Australian is the sexiest accent for a woman
[..YouTube..] @bigJ09z to me, she seems more like the dating type not the promiscuous type. I’ve dated girls that are physically like her, but also very intelligent. Take a look at Lauren Conrad from that Hills tv show… everyone knocks on her for being a dumb blond but in reality, through interviews and articles, she’s very witty, smart and has interesting tastes. People who believe otherwise about women like yvonne for example, live in such a small bubble they have not stepped out of their house in years.
[..YouTube..] @JediKnightIlona She IS the voiceover for Miranda Lawson, and they modeled Miranda after her! XD That might explain a few things. ROFL
[..YouTube..] Her accent is so different from Sarah Walker and Miranda. Quite an actress
[..YouTube..] @CorRomeister Real “dating” died a long time ago now we just have people hanging out and sleeping togethor that isn’t dating. But I think your right she does live in a bubble.
[..YouTube..] Sarah! 😀
[..YouTube..] Anything can happen… hopefully no anal. lol
[..YouTube..] wow she is a hottie.
[..YouTube..] They should have made Miranda a blonde D:
[..YouTube..] I had sex with her…in Mass effect 2 🙁