If you were a gamer back in the 1990s you probably remember the original Myst, which enabled users with a CD-ROM to experience graphics that were never experienced before.

Now Cyan, the team that gave Myst to the public back in 1993, have brought back all the things that made the classic puzzle game stand out from the crowd. But will it still be as popular with today’s sophisticated gamers?


The physical aspects make deciphering puzzles fun

For starters, Obduction has really put an emphasis on making deciphering puzzles fun, and one reason for this is their complex, mechanical nature. You’ll find obstacles in the game that require you to manipulate physical objects and devices.

Whether that means punching buttons to enter codes or actually dragging your mouse to move a lever, you’ll find that there’s something eminently satisfying about completing each step of the puzzle.

Expect the rumble of iron gears which go a long way to provide a satisfying audiovisual experience that is doubly satisfying when combined with having resolved a tricky puzzle – probably the same kind of feeling as winning in an online casino game.

Short on player assistance

You’ll probably find that Obduction is lacking when it comes to player assistance. What’s more, some solutions do tend to be much more vague and obtuse than others. Some of the clues are purely visual and you don’t get any indication of how or if they can interact with other clues to the puzzle.

This means that it’s very much down to you to figure out the connections and the usefulness of each clue. Of course, this means that it can be exciting to suddenly realize that you’ve worked out what’s going on, and that you can now test out your theory.

However, this can also be extremely tiresome and frustrating, especially if you reach the stage where you feel totally baffled.


Puzzles that you’ll want to resolve

During the first half of the game expect to feel a bit lost as you’ll still be trying to figure out how this strange and mysterious world works. You’ll find that as you solve each part of the puzzle and you make new discoveries, more and more structure will start to drop into place.

However, you’ll soon find that the challenges increase in difficulty and complexity meaning that if you lose concentration you’ll end up with gaps in your understanding and knowledge of the logic employed in this world.

This can mean spending a great deal of time trying to catch up and consolidate what you do know before you can proceed.

The puzzles become more intricate and complex as you progress

As you would expect, as you near completion of the game, you’re introduced to much more intricate and complex puzzles. You’ll need to become a master of manipulating your environment and traveling between diverse but interconnected locations.

While these scenarios are undoubtedly complex and clever, it can require a considerable amount of backtracking should you miss an important clue, and all clues are important at this stage. Unlike casino games, where you can get tips and clues from sites such as APNET, currently there’s no online help for Obduction.


Furthermore, as you backtrack, you run the risk of getting lost, which in turn will mean that you’re more likely to miss vital clues. Therefore, you need a fair bit of patience to get through the puzzles at this stage.

However, don’t let us leave you with the impression that you’re going to be totally frustrated with Obduction. While it is complex, it gives you access to an alluring world that you can’t help but engage with.

You’ll need keen observation skills together with perseverance, and you may find yourself struggling with mental fatigue from time to time. However, with persistence you’ll find that the game is very gratifying and it will give you a great sense of achievement once completed.

Obduction was released on August 24 2016 by Cyan Worlds, Inc.