Bravo to our friends Sandeep Parikh and Tony Janning for giving us three amazingly funny seasons of LEGEND OF NEIL (a featured show on Atom/Comedy Central).  The final episode of the series run is about three times as long and chock full of everything you would expect from this creative duo!

As a special bonus – our own Hailey Bright of COIN-OP TV features a short cameo as one of the sexy girls in the Old Man’s fantasy scene towards the end (see screen grab below).  Sandeep and Tony both proved with Legend of Neil that good comedy and story telling can be done creatively on a budget with lasting rewards.

Sandeep Parikh (writer/director) was a guest on COIN-OP TV LIVE episode 251, Tony Janning (writer/lead) a guest on episode 314 and Scott Chernoff who plays Gannon was a guest on COIN-OP TV LIVE’s early days in episode 116.  Be sure to watch the finale and entire series at this link: