Konami – Pre E3 Show 2012
Metal Gear Rising
Zone of Enders
Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
E3 EXPO, News & Events, Video (Other)
Konami – Pre E3 Show 2012
Metal Gear Rising
Zone of Enders
Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
[..YouTube..] SUGOI!
[..YouTube..] I just pooped all over my big boy diapers
[..YouTube..] Is the MG rising xbox exclusive?
[..YouTube..] I always laugh when someone calls someone else an idiot and then uses a stereotype.
[..YouTube..] No
[..YouTube..] Gabriel: Oh hai 29:20
[..YouTube..] not. it’s a ps3 and xbox 360 game.
but the “main” version is ps3. xbox is like a porting.
[..YouTube..] MGS is the best game in the world but Mg Rising Sucks !
[..YouTube..] for the people that loved mgs series rising is shit!! sry kojima but platinium was a bad choice!!
[..YouTube..] So let’s say your a dick. You have played all the MGS games and enjoyed playing them. And now Hideo Kojima decides to try something new. He makes a spin-off game and calls this MG Rising. A game where you take control of raiden as a cyborg Ninja. You enjoyed stealth action but this game is an hack and slash action game. As these two games are different in both name and design you decide to bitch about it as they are not the same.
Now read the first sentence again of this post. Read it out loud.
[..YouTube..] why? it’s not metal gear solid, it’s metal gear rising. it’s something new, something different. and it looks freaking AWESOME! don’t buy it ๐ don’t play it please. because you don’t deserve it.
[..YouTube..] so you played it already? so you know for sure? you only assume ๐ you know what sucks? your mom. you know what she sucks? my balls ๐
[..YouTube..] mgs series are the best games ever made!!! the story of the series are amazing!! there is no game out there with such caliber in terms of history!! and the gameplay was unique to(sneaking action game)!! These new game goes against all the other games(mgs and mg) did!! if they wanted to do something like these they should do another game that has nothing to do with mgs and mg series and put another title!!
Ps: i play all the games i want you have nothing to do with it!! sry my bad english!! ๐
[..YouTube..] Cstlevania 2 soon 2012 Wowwwwwwwwww cant wait to play it Best Game Ever
[..YouTube..] Go slap yourself, they are no the best action game developers.
[..YouTube..] But…………. if Metal Gear Rising is as dope as I think it might be… then I will agree.
[..YouTube..] this game is going to be fucking epic, i dont understand why people judge before it has even come out or the demo been shown. i belive this game will be up there with the best. so pumped!
[..YouTube..] Go slap yourself, you are ‘no’ the best game critic in the world.
[..YouTube..] how can you say its shit before evn seeing a demo? or playing it yourself. please play it first and then give your 2 cents
[..YouTube..] This is a spin off though, people need to understand that nearly all spin offs to any game are nothing like the main ones.
Take Kingdom hearts for example, the spin offs are NOTHING (Capitalized for extra emphasis) like the main games.
On a side note, if this turns into an argument, can we agree to keep it a civilized one? With no swearing, or insulting each other?
[..YouTube..] I don’t know. As awesome as Rising and ZOE HD look, I’m really more interested in seeing what the FOX engine looks like. That and I still haven’t forgotten the flaming ‘C’ at the end of last year’s pre-E3 conference. New Contra game?
[..YouTube..] wait a minute, MGS4, MeGa(Sixty)4
[..YouTube..] Dont get me wrong i respect your opinion!! im just a little disapointed with wath they decided to do with this game!! Liked to see your point though!! ๐
[..YouTube..] you still can kill your enemies without being seen! this action game will be different then many others. it will deserve the name metal gear.
[..YouTube..] Lutsurugi tu non capisci un cazzo di videogame,tutti voi nn capite un cazzo di videogame e la prima รจ tua mamma testa di mincha,come fa a piacervi una merda come Mg Rising??? Un idiota come Raiden capace solo di frignare,totalmente inesperto gli date un armatura e una spada in grado di tagliare pure i pianeti,magari se nn si chiamava MG Rising l avrei pure rispettato ma io che seguo Mgs dal 1998 di vedere ste cose no grazie !
[..YouTube..] MGS4 was a terrible “game.” Who the hell cares about acrobats or logic in a video game? Your reply makes you look like a fool.
The entire series is filled with complete over the top bull shit moments any way
[..YouTube..] Guess you haven’t played MGS4 if you believe Raiden wouldn’t be able to do stuff like this.
[..YouTube..] Best Metal Gear game ever? Most likely. Thank you, based Platinum Games.
[..YouTube..] God Hand, Viewtiful Joe… Yeah these guys are the best. Plus Kamiya invented Devil May Cry and pretty much kick-started a whole new genre. Platinum Games are old school, and know exactly what gaming is all about. This game looks like it is aiming high, can’t wait!
[..YouTube..] first of all, english dude. and i don’t understand anything of videogames? I play games since I’m 4 years old, I had an atari and still have my famicom (nes). go fuck yourself please
[..YouTube..] E3 2012 Conference times and dates for each time zone on my channel!!!!
[..YouTube..] contra code at begining of video
[..YouTube..] Yeah u don t understand nothing in videogames,i am play all Mgs and i am a good player in Mgo,then i don t like speak with a stupid noob where don t see the different between Old Snake and Big Mama.The real Fan in Mgs saga don t like Raiden !!!
[..YouTube..] PES
[..YouTube..] “please stay tuned”… MGS5 !
[..YouTube..] 16:32 NOOOOOOO!!! The DARPA Chief had his heart attacked! ;_;
[..YouTube..] My apologies about the mispelling, I also never said I was the best critic.
[..YouTube..] My apologies about my rudeness.
Kind of hard to tell over the internet is being a major douche, or stating there opinion.
Again, sorry.
[..YouTube..] ZOE for the fucking win…I’ll buy it…yeyeyes
[..YouTube..] if you pause the video at 29:27 mark, you can see the guys eyes are purple in the reflection of the sword. does anybody know what character in the castlevania universe has those eyes? if any.
[..YouTube..] hated Bayonetta – Vanquish was awesome though.
[..YouTube..] “Make it Right”
[..YouTube..] Its cool dude don’t trip, I just don’t think Platinum is the best, and the guy that said “We are the best” is kind of a smug douchebag. You can tell when he talks, one of his most well known games, Bayonetta, is a girl version of Devil May Cry. But, if MGR: Revengeance, is as good as I want it to be, then it would really hard to agree with that statement.
[..YouTube..] Sooooooo…..no more stealth? ah ok so long kojima its been nice knowing you.
[..YouTube..] Those of u who call yourself mgs fans are not true gamers like I am konami is awesome always been platinum games are great and got the potential and are true to there games hideo would not hand it over if he didn’t trust there work so get real do your research and all along we are gamers so enjoy the game and stop crying like babies and to be honest I enjoyed raiden can’t wait to play as his cyborg form now lets game and not complain
[..YouTube..] Where’s Gradius?
[..YouTube..] 10:13 if you don’t give a fuck about soccer or facebook apps
12:25 if your here for MGS
[..YouTube..] I did play. Raiden didn’t pull that shit. he did some crazy stuff with the geckos, but it still looked somewhat realistic. The only thing from MGS4 i’d truly say was overkill was him blocking Outer Haven.
[..YouTube..] lords of shadow 2 ๐