Enter the world of the insane citizens of Gotham City. While Batman and the Joker are off dueling for the fate of the city, the ordinary people have formed into gangs of impostors and taken to the streets to fight their own battles of good vs. evil. Deadly serious and frantic first person shooter action under a goofy exterior, Gotham City Impostors is a funsplosion of gadgets, guns, and grenades. After a short beta period we found ourselves looking forward to what the full version of this offbeat shooter had to offer.
Gotham City Impostors functions much the same as the ‘Call of Duty’ series with customizable load outs, perks, and upgradable weaponry. Where Gotham City Impostors sets itself apart is in its less than serious attitude. Dispensing with the over the top macho dude bro mentality and the extra hardcore militant style we’ve come so accustom to; Impostors stands alone in seeking the rarest of FPS goals… fun. This “fun” is facilitated not only by its solid ‘Call of Duty’ like foundation but by a vertical element that is completely missing in most of the genre. Several of the gadget options make it possible to take to the sky giving the player the ability to literally get the drop their opponents. From the glider rig’s dive bomb ability to the spring boots extra high jump Gotham City Impostors provides a refreshing twist on the genre.
Customization and unlockables are huge in Impostors. Weapons, gadgets, calling cards, costumes, mascots and different character body types with differing health and speed stats are all available to the player. For the impatient (or rich) gamer there are over one hundred pieces of DLC available, totaling over two hundred dollars, almost all of which are unlockable in game.
With all the good that can be said of Gotham City Impostors there is a bit of negativity that need be addressed. The full version of the game seems a little thin packing only five maps and three game types, with a challenge mode made exclusively of time trials. Each of the maps is balanced well with a variety of environmental challenges encouraging players to use their character customization to specialize and pursue victory as a cohesive team. The multiplayer game types do offer some in the way of twists on old standards. Team Death Match is what you’d expect, Fumigation and Psych Warfare are slightly bent versions of Domination and One Flag respectively.
A question was raised about the length of the beta and its proximity to the full release regarding just how ready Gotham City Impostors would be at launch. After many server connection drops and dealing with it excruciating long matchmaking process it should be safe to say some more beta time would have been preferred. With that said, we did receive a day one patch update, and with it hope that someone out there is continuing to work on improving Impostors. All said, Gotham City Impostors achieves the goal of fun, offering a new spin on an increasingly stale genre. Well worth the fifteen dollar price tag.
Related Link:
Gotham City Imposters – Beta Impressions
[..YouTube..] looks so saints row in the trailer
[..YouTube..] @chngdman Nope. TF2 Engine
[..YouTube..] @THExKILLERx911 bats in the balls
[..YouTube..] @THExKILLERx911 bats in the balls
[..YouTube..] 0 dislike. That’s what I want to see.
[..YouTube..] dislike. That’s what I want to see.
[..YouTube..] if it aint mw3, it doesnt deserve my money.
Bring back time splitters franchise, that was awesome alive.
[..YouTube..] @Squeaky4CC So a rehashed franchise which does nothing new or original deserves your money? God you are dumb. This game looks fun, new and different! I have to agree with wanting a new Time Splitters though.
[..YouTube..] @dukeyxxyz Good luck with that bud, there are always going to be people that play to win, and there are always going to be people that enjoy the game but hate losing. Both these elements guarantee there will be people who play this game to dominate it. Still, this does actually look like the kind of game I’d buy, I like muck around games.
[..YouTube..] Looks awsome
Looks awsome
[..YouTube..] Wtf y do people always have compare every game with guns to cod
Wtf y do people always have compare every game with guns to cod
[..YouTube..] @dukeyxxyz well, i have good hope, cause the competetive player play like Call of Duty Battlefield and other big shooters, is thik nog games like this… is community for the small games is good!
[..YouTube..] well, i have good hope, cause the competetive player play like Call of Duty Battlefield and other big shooters, is thik nog games like this… is community for the small games is good!
well, i have good hope, cause the competetive player play like Call of Duty Battlefield and other big shooters, is thik nog games like this… is community for the small games is good!
[..YouTube..] at end did he say lets kick some bats in the balls?
at end did he say lets kick some bats in the balls?
[..YouTube..] Clearly taking a cue from Batman himself, these impostors are also not wearing Hockey Pads.
Clearly taking a cue from Batman himself, these impostors are also not wearing Hockey Pads.
[..YouTube..] An afternoon in Gotham… never thought I’d see the day…
An afternoon in Gotham… never thought I’d see the day…
[..YouTube..] Gotham City Impostors = Counter Strike 2011 xD
[..YouTube..] it would be great an DLC where you can fight the originals
it would be great an DLC where you can fight the originals
[..YouTube..] @zillyflippy444 Yes.
[..YouTube..] Yes.
[..YouTube..] yay its npt cod
yay its npt cod
[..YouTube..] look at the idiots comparing it to cod, if you all weren’t idiots who didn’t know that there are more games with guns then cod, and if you were over the age of 5 then you would know that this is like tf2, not cod
look at the idiots comparing it to cod, if you all weren’t idiots who didn’t know that there are more games with guns then cod, and if you were over the age of 5 then you would know that this is like tf2, not cod
[..YouTube..] Looks like DANGEROUS fun!!!!
Looks like DANGEROUS fun!!!!
[..YouTube..] @TheSilentOne50 It looks better than COD
[..YouTube..] @TheSilentOne50 It looks better than COD
[..YouTube..] It looks better than COD
[..YouTube..] It looks better than COD
It looks better than COD
[..YouTube..] @TheSilentOne50
Its sad that there are people like you who rely on graphics and miss out on the enjoyable games. ;[
[..YouTube..] Its sad that there are people like you who rely on graphics and miss out on the enjoyable games. ;[
Its sad that there are people like you who rely on graphics and miss out on the enjoyable games. ;[
[..YouTube..] @NecraOblivion That’s not the only thing. Not only are these graphics representative of a game from the PS2 in 2005, but this gameplay looks like it’ll butcher anything having to do with our dear Dark Knight.
[..YouTube..] That’s not the only thing. Not only are these graphics representative of a game from the PS2 in 2005, but this gameplay looks like it’ll butcher anything having to do with our dear Dark Knight.
That’s not the only thing. Not only are these graphics representative of a game from the PS2 in 2005, but this gameplay looks like it’ll butcher anything having to do with our dear Dark Knight.
[..YouTube..] Finally a game like TF2 for ps3!
Finally a game like TF2 for ps3!
[..YouTube..] @TheSilentOne50 your a complete idiot..
[..YouTube..] your a complete idiot..
your a complete idiot..