Robert Welkner & Hailey Bright at the Ubisoft Headquarters during the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2012 stopped by to interview Alex Hutchinson – Creative Director for Assassin’s Creed 3. Alex talks in detail about the environment and landscape of the new game, how it will treat specific hot button topics of the era and what gamers can expect from the latest release in Ubisoft’s franchise license.
Related Videos:
Assassin’s Creed 3 Official Announcement Trailer
Assassin’s Creed 3 Official Connor Weapons Trailer
[..YouTube..] looks cool
[..YouTube..] Yay ,footsteps in snow ,in you face Skyrim! 🙂
[..YouTube..] sorry. gave it a dislike. I could have asked better questions. Like will Connor have Eagle Sense/Vision? Questions about Desmond Miles….America special editions that compete with Europe???? Nah. All bad. But I do like that yall were able to pull him to the side. Sorry though folks. I love AC, but this is not the information I need. I can google articles on this information.
[..YouTube..] thx for watching – most of these questions came from people who tweeted me – make sure to submit things in the future you’d like us to ask and we’ll do
[..YouTube..] Nice lips Hailey
[..YouTube..] This was a very good interview. Thank you!
[..YouTube..] those are some red lips. it’s all i could look at.
[..YouTube..] Thank you! 😉 Hailey
[..YouTube..] I thought the questions were great!
[..YouTube..] Is it just me or is Alex incredibly cute?
I think I have a serious crush here :3
[..YouTube..] They might add that in a future patch buddy so in yo face bitch.
[..YouTube..] That smiley at the end means something …look it up,and yes I have seen Bethesda ‘s “jam session video” with spears,dragon riding and stuff….it all(including footsteps in the snow)should’ve been there(in game) in the first place.
[..YouTube..] i though it was pronounced (you-be-soft) not (oo-be-soft)
[..YouTube..] aight now your just reaching for a reason to troll – haha just kidding – Ubisoft says its pronounced BOTH ways – go figure
[..YouTube..] can i get an answer plz
because somewhere on the web was mentioned the key word XP 😉
[..YouTube..] umm maybe because one of the developers said you ge to exprience a nature experience like hunting animals or something like that I’m not sure.
[..YouTube..] The camera light was annoying the guy the entire interview lol
[..YouTube..] Here is the game story… Connor parents get killed, he rages for justice helping americans in war with british but meanwhile the natives get owned with the war ;D (Y)
[..YouTube..] I always wondered that myself. I here people pronounce it Oo, but I’ve always said You. :/
[..YouTube..] i want to assassinate a bear with me hidden blades XD
[..YouTube..] My goodness, alex is so cute.
[..YouTube..] lol dat smile 0:05
[..YouTube..] People this is a whole nother story.. It prob does not have anything to do with Desmond Miles.they say that this group broke away from the oringinal producers back in ACII to create a new series..srry about spelling;)
[..YouTube..] no it continues right where they left off in Revelations. So there is Desmond.
It is not a whole other story either. It still focus’s on killing templars. Either British or American.
[..YouTube..] that chick freaks me out.
[..YouTube..] Their better be like altair and ezio ghost better be in the game
[..YouTube..] i think your comment freaks me out more than her. 😛
[..YouTube..] “You can’t kill Benjamin Franklin or George Washington.”
[..YouTube..] no they didn’t, stop posting crap that other people have to see and then believe. There is no where on the internet that mentions that.
AC3 interview on the 24 March – “We will show our fans more about Desmond and they will have a chance to play more with him”
[..YouTube..] @coinoptv He is not the developer, he is the creative director
[..YouTube..] Thanks for answering so promptly. 🙂 And no problem.
[..YouTube..] they said the group that made ezios story in brotherhood and revelations broke off to give the rest time to make ac3
[..YouTube..] Like if you already pre ordered this game and CAN NOT wait to get it!!
[..YouTube..] Dude, as if they are going to tell him everything…
[..YouTube..] awsome i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] awsome i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] then did they say some days ago that this game would have more time with Desmond than any other AC game?
[..YouTube..] They say conners voice sounds what videos does he freakin talk in?!?!
[..YouTube..] we saw gameplay behind closed doors before our interview at the Ubisoft HQ that’s how I knew what his voice sounded like
[..YouTube..] Here it goes… Skyrim vs. AC -___-
[..YouTube..] He should have asked what happens to the glyphs and mindfucking shit we saw on AC2 and ACB 😛
[..YouTube..] nyaaaa I can’t waitt!! >.<
[..YouTube..] ok ac won now let them battle 😛
[..YouTube..] Well… comparing is ok but something like COD vs. Battlefield or something like that is really annoying.
[..YouTube..] agreed
[..YouTube..] You say ya’ll say gameplay behind closed doors, did they state any info regarding when the gameplay might be released for everyone else?
[..YouTube..] We better be able to scalp people.
[..YouTube..] cobguitarman666 assassins creed will never be rival with elder scrolls. They’re just completely different.
[..YouTube..] lol. OObi soft…