Robert Welkner from COIN-OP TV interviews pro gamers at the Red Bull LAN Santa Monica during their most recent training session. Interviews with host & game commentators Day [9] (Sean Plott) and Dmaq (Danish Maqbool) also competitive gamers Walshy (Dave Walsh), Liquidsheth (Shawn Simon), Destiny (Steven Bonnell), Assault (Clete Lorusso) and Snip3down (Eric Wrona). Find out what goes into training for Starcraft II and Halo Reach for their upcoming tournaments like MLG (Major League Gaming) and Blizzcon.
COIN-OP TV vidcast, News & Events
This whole idea of bringing competitive Starcraft 2 players together and getting them to train and try out new builds (like what a team house in Korea would do) is such a great idea. It’s awesome for them to be able to play 30 zerg vs terrans in a row, or protoss vs protoss in a row and just hammer out the details of a particular build. I’m not sure how much a single session will do, but if this could become more frequent, I think it might help some of these guys who don’t get to talk and play Starcraft everyday and try crazy new builds. I hope red bull does more of these! The stream was quite entertaining too.