The hottest trailers for the hottest games! This is what E3 is about kids. A commonality among these three E3 trailers allows us to put together (or threegether) an awesome grab bag of mechs, an assassin with system of beliefs, glowing alien bugs, tomahawking, and crazy crazy jungle boobs.

I might be in the minority but I’ve enjoyed the hell out of some Lost Planet and this trailer for Lost Planet 3 looks pretty rad. Is it just me or does the gameplay have a little Dead Space vibe going on?

I’ve managed to miss out on both Far Cry and Far Cry 2 so I’m totally lost by this Far Cry 3 trailer; which is probably alright since the theme of the games seems to be “check out all this insanity!”

Finally we come to Assassin’s Creed 3. Be sure to give a moment of silence for those who fought in the American Revolution somewhere amongst your multiple pants oriented nerdsplosions.