360a85ea0780.jpgHeard of PWNED.COM ?? It’s a community based website by gamers for gamers and one of the better ones out there!  Easy to sign up and start pimpin your profile (this means customize your look for you n00bz) and make friends right from the start.  Pwned.com hits the choice demograph of 16-25 age with a wide variety of both male and female members.  Like to read or write a blog?  They have that!  Want to chat with a friend?  Visit the Shout Box!  Read a game review and make your own comments –  go for it!

Andy – one of the founders of Pwned.com was on our show COIN-OP TV back in March and helped explain how the website started up in Dec 2007 and has blown up quickly in only a few months.  You can check out that interview here: http://www.thestream.tv/watch.php?v=636

So now they have awesome tshirts – help support this indie video game community website – they deserve it!
