We had a chance to play ‘From Dust‘ – a new Xbox Downloadable Arcade title from Ubisoft over the weekend.  The game has style and substance and will offer the casual gamer something simple and enjoyable for a weekend of play.  For those of us who remember old-school ‘God games’ like Black & White this will be a treat or if you long for something that feels like a slowed down Lemmings then you’ll be happy.

From Dust’s gameplay is simple – you move around a cursor and can pick up dirt, water, lava and other things in order to control the landscape so that your tribe of vagabonds can safely transverse the land and become powerful enough to feign off natural disasters.  The game is challenging enough – however limited – our biggest complaint was that the change in camera angle can be unpleasant and made us want to put the Xbox controller down not long after starting the game.

For more on ‘From Dust’ visit: http://www.fromdustgame.com