Dark Souls III is out now for the trifecta of gaming consoles – PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.  The Dark Souls games have a history to them starting with Demon’s Souls (2009) years ago and even more recently with Bloodborne (2015).  Dark Souls III feels like the best of the bunch as old clunky fighting mechanics have been tweaked and campfire check points have been placed more frequently.

If you are new to the series – know that the game is terribly difficult and will turn off most gamers within minutes or hours of playing.  For those who have stayed on top of the franchise through the years then you will be rewarded with a new current genernation version of the game.

There are no major changes that stood out as different from the last Dark Souls game although we’ve heard reports that the difficulty level ramps up a little easier than past games.  As a non-professional Dark Soul player we still encountered ‘one hit kills’ from bosses and regular villains.

Probably the biggest thing we would love to change is the button configuration — and we always scratch our heads wondering why controller remapping isn’t a standard thing.  For those on a console – try running and moving the camera at the same time without getting finger cramps!  Overall, Dark Souls III can be a fun time if dying is something you appreciate from your gaming experience.